Augmented reality is already used in Yelp's new i-phone application for 3GS's (and the first company to utilize that technology I must add). Turns out that behind the scenes, there's a world of studying being done to bring augmented reality right to our eyes. Want to check your vital signs, just look right. Want to get the scoop for hot dining spots immediately in front of your eyes? Look no further. This shit is crazy. They are developing these contacts for our troops to use on the battle fields as well. I mean, this just doesn't get any better, or does it? Seems like mankind is on a path to have technology destroy it, but I have to admit, augmented reality in the eyes is pretty freakin ill. I'm sure they'll frame it as pure technology that will soon save the lives of million, but until then...i'm interested to see how people will react to this.
I'm also wondering how many features I'll soon be able to see! If I'm walking through the mall, and I'm looking at an article of clothing or a pair of fresh new kicks, will I have the price blinking in red while I make my buying decision from my eyeball? I can't wait for the future, but looking at what lies beyond the future, well...I don't even wanna know.
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